2013年3月28日 星期四

húa yǔ , 愛與愁 ài yǔ chóu

五年光陰似箭穿 wu nien guang ying shi  jian chuan
初見美感晃心亂 chu jiang mei gan hung shi luan
時刻現實如夢破 shi ke xian shi zu mong po
瞬間放下覓他處 shun jian fun shia mi ta chu
尋得知音共相伴 mi de zh ying gong sheng ban

光陰 N.         guāng  yīng  , time / age / years
美感  N. adj. měi gǎn , sense of beauty / gorgeous
現實N. adj    xiàn shí , reality
知音 N          zh yīng , soul mate

2013年3月23日 星期六

húa yǔ-無欲則剛 wú yù zé gāng

lu shin shen ming zhong de da shao shi
zhu li zen chun li de le zu dian 
jian jie ping zuo chu de zen shen mong 
zho yo le guo xuan chu nien jien fong 

this morning ,woke up with bright sunlight near by 
also sunrise  for eyes to see today's blue sky 
practicing deep breathe chinese chi kong beside neat greens and grass
to be able to take better care of inner organs by getting used to doing everything slow

city-life is definitely full of color and a chance to challenge more differences
but easy to lure heart and soul to get lost as well
remember to remind the unconsciousness part remark the classical old chinese saying''wú yù zé  gāng''(stay simple , there won't be any weakness brought out by great desires'' )

無 wú V.        without
欲 yù  N.        great desires
無欲 wú yù Ving/N.
則 zé  BeV     is 
剛 gāng  Adj./N.  firm/strong(ness)